The power of seeds

The power of seeds

Since its formation in 1998, Treesponsibility has planted an average of 5 hectares every year – that’s over 12 acres of new woodland per year.

``We are a climate action group that works in Calderdale with the people of Calderdale, for the people of Calderdale and the World. Now and for future generations. We plant trees and do natural flood management. To improve and protect the local, and larger, environment and biodiversity, and to reduce flooding.
People donate land for our work and they get trees and leaky dams and things planted for them free. We have school plantings where kids come out and plant. Also we have residential days and weekends, where groups and individuals come and stay in beautiful places and get all their food and transport provided and plant trees. Most everyone enjoys it and we have some fun times. Come and join in. Help us create a lasting legacy.``

Treesponsibility is also founding member, and a key delivery partner in The SOURCE partnership, which aims to take preventative action to help create a healthy, resilient and biodiverse landscape, for the benefit of all the people in our valley both now, and in future years.

“The SOURCE partnership has been receiving funding through the Environment Agency’s Rapid Response Catchments Programme for several years and the following four pages detail some of the work undertaken this year with recent photos of similar work completed as part of the programme in 2016/17.

One major site for this year was Cragg Vale Country Business Park. The 4,800 trees on the site were planted with Trees for Learning funding, with the Environment Agency paying for living willow revetments, and an attenuation pond to hold back 600m3 of stormwater run-off from an existing and a proposed parking area at the business park. The pond outlet was placed some 30cm above the base of the pond so that some water is retained when the storm has passed too enhance biodiversity and promote habitat creation.” – SOURCE Report Spring 2018

A very big hole at Cragg Energy.

The team from Treesponsibility was amazing, supported by an army of school children and volunteers, and many thanks to Stuart Bradshaw from Slow the Flow Calderdale
for design of the new attenuation pond. We need more longer-term projects like this along the tops of our valleys. We can’t just expect work done around the valley bottoms will be enough to prevent the devastation of December 2015. ~ Landowner Chris Bingham

Reforestation is one of the most vital things we can do in the fight to protect our climate and we owe huge thanks to organisations like Treesponsibility and SOURCE for doing so for so many years. The governments must further accelerate its tree planting agenda if it has any hope of reaching the 2020 Sustainability goals set by the UN.

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